=== Genie WP Favicon === Contributors: prakashm88 Donate link: http://www.itechgenie.com/ Tags: favicon, shortcut icon, genie wp favicon, apple touch icon Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.9.4 Stable tag: 0.5.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html The Genie WP Favicon will be helpful in adding a favicon to any Wordpress site with ease. == Description == The Genie WP Favicon == Installation == 1. Download 'genie-wp-favicon.zip' onto your local computer. 2. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and select Plugins >> Add New. 3. Click on the Upload option at the top and select the 'genie-wp-favicon.zip' file you just downloaded. 4. Click on Install. 5. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 6. There should be an additional 'Genie WP Favicon' sub-menu under the 'Appearance' option of your dashboard to setup the plugin. 7. Upload your favicon and refresh your page. 8. Network sites have to be updated individually. == Frequently Asked Questions == 1. Does Genie WP Favicon support Apple Touch icon? Yes, it adds the favicon icon to the Apple Touch devices also. == Screenshots == 1. Configuration Screenshot == Upgrade Notice == 1. Still first release == Changelog == = 0.5 = 1. PHP deprecated methods removed 2. compatibility with 4.3 verified = 0.4 = 1. Bugs with the Apple Touch device support fixed - Thanks @MonkeyKong for support 2. Request for plugin promotion added = 0.3 = 1. Option to disable Apple's gloss effect on image and preserve the user effects = 0.2 = 1. Bugs fixed = 0.1 = 1. Initial commit